
Quality Policy

To ensure internal efficiency and customer satisfaction, IT Centric has established a quality management system compliant with ISO 9001:2015 standards. Considering the organizational context and stakeholder needs, IT Centric defined its scope and identified risks and opportunities for related processes

Information Security Policy

IT Centric is committed to maintaining the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information, giving priority to the protection of company assets and the individuals involved. The company is committed to developing and maintaining an Information Security Management System compliant with the ISO/IEC 27001 standard, in order to guarantee the satisfaction of regulatory requirements and pursue continuous improvement of performance

Ethical Code

IT Centric S.p.A. adopts the Code of Ethics and Model 231 to promote specialization, competence and innovation, maintaining a strong focus on customer needs. The Code of Ethics constitutes the basis of corporate life and integrates Model 231, guaranteeing high standards of conduct and mitigating the risks of crimes. A Supervisory Body monitors compliance with these principles, highlighting It Centric’s commitment to a corporate ethic of quality and transparency


IT Centric S.p.A. has implemented reporting channels in compliance with Legislative Decree 10 March 2023 n. 24. By clicking on the button below it will be possible to easily and quickly send a written report directly from the dedicated IT platform. It is essential to provide detailed details in the content of the report. For more information on how and what to report, we invite you to read the information attached here. After sending, you will be provided with a verification code to access the platform and monitor the status of your report