IT Centric joined t Aereospace Job Talks, the most important Italian event dedicated to aereospace innovation held on May 4, 2022 at the Federico II Deopartment of Agricolture. The scientific and interacive seminar was promoted by Adecco, in collaboration with the Space Italian Agency and the Aereospace District of Camoania, which involved numerous companies including IT Centric and more than 150 students froma various Camoania High School.
The edition, entitled “Aereospace Job Talks“, was also a useful in-depth study to help young people rediscover businesses, to get to know them, to brong out aspects that were difficult to graps from the outside. The event saw our Group protagonist in the JOB TALKS space at the University and thanks to the intervention of Dr. Raffaella Onorato HR Manager It Centric, various topics were touched on th theme oof work, skills and opportunities for young people.
The laboratories; the studetns divided their work on the basis of the many topics, one for each work team, and identified companies and companies that made a difference on each theme in telling themselves because they were considered significant testimonies, true excellence.